| |sms |- |sms:+?body= | |telnet |23 | telnet://:@: | # Examples of Data URL encoding "No more secrets" in base64: data:text/plain;base64,Tm8gbW9yZSBzZWNyZXRzCg== Unix File URL for Iain McCrone’s handler file for mimetypes file:///home/imcc/.mailcap Geo URL specifying location on west coast of Scotland near Oban geo:56.3192,5.5825 HTTPS URL getting web hits for "og" on search engine Yahoo! https://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=og News URL for news articles in Dr Who news group news://news01.khis.de/uk.media.tv.sf.drwho Set up SMS message to send to phone number by default service sms:+441314513427?body=Hello%20there Telnet URL to Shadow Lands Multi-User Dungeon site telnet://mush.elendor.net:1893/ # HyperText Transfer Protocol HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the web’s application protocol. Key features of design of HTTP service include client server provider only delivers service to consumer on demand stateless each request is standalone with no context synchronous client connects to server, requests and waits for reply caching recent stored replies may be used to answer requests layered requests may be relayed via (chain of) intermediaries Typical client-server interaction on web might be - link http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/˜air/index.html is clicked - browser gets IP address of www.macs.hw.ac.uk from DNS - browser makes TCP connection to port 80 on - browser sends HTTP request for given URL - www.macs.hw.ac.uk server sends file index.html - browser gets files referenced in page by same connection - TCP connection is released - browser renders index.html with extras - CSS, images etc. # HyperText Transfer Protocol RFC 1945 defines HTTP 1.0. RFC 7230, 7231 define HTTP 1.1. HTTP messages are in Internet E-mail for mat with MIME extensions. HTTP 1.1 supports following request methods |Method| Details | |:-- |:-- | |CONNECT| method for use with SSL tunnelling| |DELETE |remove web page| |GET| fetch web page| |HEAD |fetch HTTP header metadata on web page| |OPTIONS| request data on comms options to given URI| |POST |handle submitted web page with given URI| |PUT |store submitted web page as given URI| |TRACE |request remote loop-back of request message| Only the GET, HEAD and POST methods are widely used. Every HTTP request gets status code response of following types: | Type | 3 Digits Description | | :-- | :-- | |informational |1xx request is being processed | |successful |2xx request was received, understood, accepted | |redirection | 3xx further action is needed to complete request | |client error | 4xx syntax error in request | |server error | 5xx server can’t fulfil valid request | Common replies - 200 (OK), 401 (Unauthorized) - 404 (Not Found). RFC 7450 (May 2015) specifies HTTP’s latest version HTTP 2. HTTP 2 provides faster message syntax with same HTTP semantics. # GET GET interaction between Inter net Explorer 10 and Google UK GET http://www.google.co.uk/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */* Accept-Language: en-GB User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0) Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Host: www.google.co.uk Pragma: no-cache Cookie: PREF=ID=3ec33f874a5b2596:U=c6 ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:17:28 GMT Expires: -1 Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Encoding: gzip Server: gws X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Transfer-Encoding: chunked 77a5 ... HTTP 1.1 request supplies cookie and gets compressed response - Accept-Encoding: field permits gzip compressed reply - Content-Type: field says reply is UTF-8 encoded HTML - Content-Encoding: field says reply is gzip compressed - Transfer-Encoding: field says reply is in hex sized chunks # POST Filling in "Donald Trump" in simple HTML for m and submitting it ``` Name ``` submits form details by POST method much like the following: ``` host% nc -C www2.macs.hw.ac.uk 80 POST /cgi-bin/cgiwrap/smith/na/test HTTP/1.1 Host: www2.macs.hw.ac.uk:80 Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-length: 17 user=Unsername HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 16:38:14 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html 91 CGI Inputs CGI Inputs user = Username ``` "91" is size of chunk it precedes expressed as a hexadecimal. Size and number of chunks in chunked transfer are up to server. POST request should be used instead of GET request when - parameter details passed to web server are quite large - browser can’t safely repeat request (e.g. e-purchases) HTTP lets browser repeat GET but not POST without user say so. # Representational State Transfer Roy Fielding argues networked systems exhibit architectural styles: mobile code moves to close gap between processing and data pipe and filter inputs are filtered to produce transformed outputs. Roy Fielding asks What is the architectural style of web applications? He analyses well designed web application as - network of web pages - user progressing through application by selecting links - link selections cause fetching and render ing of next page Underlying architectural style is of - network of web pages or virtual state-machine - link selections causing state-transitions - transitions causing transfer of next state of application Fielding calls this style **REpresentational State Transfer** or **REST**. ## Web’s REST style uses - network protocol HTTP address scheme URIs - HTTP URLs - resource representations XML, HTML, PNG etc. - resource types MIME types - text/xml, text/html, image/png - hyper links XML’s xlink attributes, HTML link tags ## REST Architectural Style To Null style Fielding’s REST model for Web adds 6 more: - Client Server - server fulfils client requests only on demand - Stateless - communication is stateless in nature - server doesn’t look beyond request to know its details - Cache - local copies of replies are saved from previous requests local copies can be reused to answer further requests - Uniform Interface - uniform interface is presented - generic CRUD operations supported for interface - Layered System - intermediate components may handle and return replies - they may relay requests or process them from cache - Code-On-Demand - clients download and execute scripts or applets optional constraint of REST style ## Pros and Cons - Client Server - efficient needs driven use of resources - inept at supporting push services like event notification - Stateless - improves visibility, reliability and scalability makes sessional use awkward (e.g., cookies) - Cache - improves performance, reduces use of bandwidth - may decrease reliability if resource copies are stale - Uniform Interface - eases use by different clients - can decrease efficiency as data is passed in standard form - Layered System - improves scalability and robustness can decrease efficiency in worst cases - Code-On-Demand - offloads processing from server to clients on demand increases client user’s security risks REST supports generic CRUD operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) on resources via uniform interface. # History of the Web Web is steered by 2 key organisations - W3C World Wide Web Consortium - IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IETF defines HTTP and URIs. Other web standards belong with W3C. Tim Berners-Lee (TBL) is the inventor of the World Wide Web. Seminal early years in the history of the Web include: | Year | | | :-- |:-- | | 1945 | Vannevar Bush’s paper "As We May Think" | | 1965 | Ted Nelson coins word HyperText at ACM conference| | 1980 | TBL implements single host, shared user hypertext app Enquire| |1989| TBL proposes distributed hypertext system for CERN| |1990 |invention of WorldWideWeb name, early work on HTTP and hyper linked document support| |1991| HTML is developed based on SGML line mode browser and HTTP server in use at CERN| |1992| Erwise and Viola GUI HTML browsers run under X Window| |1993| NCSA Mosaic web browser developed by Marc Andreessen. CERN announces WWW technology is freely usable by anyone. 200+ known HTTP servers in October| |1994| Andreessen et al leave NCSA to form what became Netscape. World Wide Web Consortium founded on October 1. 1500+ known HTTP servers in June| |1995| HTTP traffic takes over from FTP as top Internet app. RFC 1866 - HTML 2.0, T Berners Lee and D Connolly| |1996| RFC 1945 - HTTP/1.0, T Berners Lee, R Fielding, H Frystyk Today 1.7 billion web servers are in use on the Internet.Distributed hyper media system Gopher was superceded by Web. | # Things To Do - Read "As We May Think" Vannevar Bush, Atlantic Monthly, May 1945 - Read Chapter 1, The Web: An Over view Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5 Paul S Wang, CRC Press, 2013. - Read A Little History of the World Wide Web Robert Cailliau, W3C Consortium, 1995. # Key Points - A Uniform Resource Identifier is a compact sequence of characters (alphanumerics and a few symbols) that identifies an online or offline, abstract or physical resource. A Uniform Resource Locator is a type of URI that identifies a resource through an access method and location. - HTTP is a stateless, synchronous, readable, client server application protocol running on top of TCP, supports GET operations to fetch resources and POST operations to invoke services, and can operate through intermediaries and use caching. - The Web was invented by Tim Berners Lee around 1990, replaced Gopher from 1994 onwards as the Internet’s foremost distributed hyper media application, and has grown to support well over a billion active web servers.